In the year 2001 the total population of Birbhum was 3,015,422 among which males were 1,546,633 and the females were 1,468,789. The population density was 662 per sq. km. The sex ration was 949 females per 1000 males and the literacy rate was 62.16%. According to the 2001 census data the population distribution in the urban area was like this, Hindus- 65% of the population and Muslims- 33% of the population. The 2001 census also shows that 29.5% of the population of Birbhum belongs to the scheduled castes and 6.7% to the scheduled tribes. Apart from the Bengali speaking people there are tribal Santhals and ten other tribal communities. The population of Birbhum shows a gradual increase, the reason of which may be Birbhum is agriculturally very prosperous and this has drawn many people with an occupation of agriculture, come and settle down here. A notable thing is the increase in the percentage of Muslims is higher than the Hindus. But the same time while the number of Hindus has declined in the rural area, it has increased in the urbanized area at the same time.