Tarapith is at a distance of 264 km from Kolkata, 96 km from Santiniketan, 116 km from Durgapur, 150 km from Deoghar and 205 km from Mayapur.
If you want to make a travel to this place you can choose any of the following options:
By Air: The nearest airport is at Kolkata, at a distance of 225 km from Tarapith. One can avail taxi services from airport to Tarapith. From Kolkata Delhi, Mumbai and other major airports are easily accessible.
By Bus: The state owned buses connect Tarapith with to Esplanade/Dharamtalla bus stand of Kolkata or with the neighboring cities.
By Train: The nearest railway station is Rampurhat, at a distance of about 6 km from Tarpith. Taxi services from railway station to Tatapith are available. Rampurhat is linked with Howrah and Sealdah.