Tarapith, known as one of the SHAKTI PEETHAS, is a holy place for all Hindus where Maa Kali is worshipped as Maa Tara. This is the mahapith where Sadhak Bama Khyapa attained "Siddhi Laav". Every year this sacred place is visited by several millions of devotees who come to offer Puja to Maa Tara.
Tarapith is situated at around 300 miles from Kolkata in the state of West Bengal, India. Nestled on the banks of Dwarka river Tarapith has a history of its own. The previous temple of Tarapith which is now buried under the earth was built by Vasistha. The present temple was erected by a merchant, named Joybroto. It is said that Tara Maa came in his dreams and instructed him to unearth the 'brahmashila', or the sacred stone and establish it as a deity in a proper place. Therefore, the shrine of this place is dedicated to the goddess Tara Maa. Tara Maa, an incarnation of Maa Kali, is seen over here with two hands and Shiva sucking the breast of Tara Maa lying in her left lap. The deity is adorned with snakes and sacred thread. The image reflects the elegance of affectionate Mother Kali who saved Lord Shiva by feeding him Her breast milk. According to the legend when Shiva engulfed the poison to save the earth and was suffering from burns and pains, Maa Kali brought solace to him and saved him by feeding him Her breast milk. The devotees come here to get the cosmic blessings and affection of Tara Maa. The supreme mother protects us from the worldly poison encountered by us at every step of life. Maa Tara with all her motherly affection and blessings strengthens us to overcome the hurdles of life and find peace in life. Known as a famous center for Tantric Hinduism, the temple is the place where Tantric rituals are performed. Some practitioners of Tantrism can be seen near the temple. There is a pilgrims' inn near the temple and the grove, just beside is inhabited by monkeys. The closest Rampurhat Railway Station is at a distance of 8 km north.